
Many types of spiders live in and around area homes. Spiders that are most likely to find their way into our homes include:
Black widow spiders
Brown recluse spiders
Wolf spiders
House spiders
Funnel spiders
Spiders are arachnids and differ from insects because, unlike insects with three body segments and six legs, spiders have two body segments and eight legs.
These predators feed on and control populations of insects that would otherwise take over our outdoor spaces. Spiders typically only become problematic for people when they decide to follow their insect prey into our homes. No one wants to share their home with spiders, their messy webs, or the insects that have likely attracted them.
Use the following prevention tips to keep spiders away:
Wipe away spider webs as you come across them.
Plant things that deter spiders, such as lavender, basil, and rosemary, in gardens.
Maintain a clean kitchen to keep the insects that spiders like to hunt from being attracted to your home.
Call us now to implement year-round home pest control services to keep spiders, insects, and other pests away from your property.